Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How to Wake Up Looking Beautiful

Have you ever wondered how one look more beautiful when he/she wake up? No matter how he/ she looks alike.When you wake up in the morning, you would usually observe broken hair on your pillow and oil on your face. Over a period of time you might also see dark circles, wrinkles and fine lines appearing. You end up opening your beauty wardrobe each morning, to resolve these issues. But, instead of using cosmetics, you should try making some simple changes in your lifestyle. Take a look at a few tricks that will ensure a ‘beautiful you’ every morning.

Get plenty of sleep

Well, this one is no brainer. If you take sufficient sleep, then you will not have to worry about your dark circles or under eye bags. Cutting down on the amount of sleep can speed up your ageing process as well. Sleeplessness prevents proper blood circulation in the body, especially on the face, thus making it look more pale. It is this blood flow which results in a brighter and youthful skin.

Moreover, sleepless nights can also lead to weight gain. A 2011 research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that sleep-deprived people consumed about 300 more calories per day than the well-rested ones. It is so because lack of sleep slows down your metabolism. And, it is this slowdown that triggers the release of stress hormone called cortisol. This stress hormone further boosts your appetite, making you eat more. So, be sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep every day, or else you might just put on weight and get wrinkles really quick!

Sleep on silk

This one may seem a little strange to you, but sleeping on silk is the best way to avoid getting those irritating sleep wrinkles and fine lines on your face that you get by sleeping on cotton. Since silk is so smooth, your hair will not get tangled easily. And, when you wake up, you will find your mane straight and soft, leading to less hair fall. So, if not silk sheets, then buy silk pillow covers to rest your head on.

Braid your hair before going to bed

If you braid your hair regularly before going to bed, then it would not be a messy tangle when you wake up. This one is religiously recommended by most grandmothers. It not only strengthens your hair, but also leads to hair growth.

Do your laundry regularly

You may be wondering about the relationship between laundry and your looks. Washing and changing your bed sheets frequently is hygienic and helps to keep away bacteria. You should change your pillow covers every other day, and your sheets twice a week. This helps to prevent the build-up of bacteria, which causes skin problems, such as pimples and blackheads.

So, now you know what we mean by waking up beautiful? Follow these simple tips and enhance your beauty quotient.

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